
Monday, January 31, 2011

I like love...

because valentine's day is coming...


I've decided to attempt the 30for30. Mostly, because during it I can't shop. Let's see if I can make it. But because I have no camera, I can't post the clothes I've chosen. So I'll just list them out...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

School Work

I have been attempting to make a simple, modern, attractive design for the student activities website page. Although I am not completely satisfied, here is where I've arrived so far.

If I have my way, the small pictures will scroll (from right to left). And someone else will write all descriptions. ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2011


FAVORITE. I'm addicted.


Charlie pulled me down into the snow today. Like right on my butt. My wrist hurts and my pants are wet. But somehow, he's still cute. (btw that has absolutely nothing to do with the following pictures.)


I have homework. I could have done it the two days I stayed at home this week being sick. But I assure you, I had much better things to do. ;) So here is my attempt to further put it off...

Friday, January 21, 2011

So Long Sweet Summer

We have at least 10 inches of snow outside my house. That is CRAZY! They said we would only get 6! I'm missing warm sunshine. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the end of the summer.